To bring  up qualified agricultural engineers equipped with experience and knowledge that meet the contemporary needs of agriculture and agriculture based industrial sectors in the fields of cultivation techniques, rehabilitation and bio-technology of grains, edible legume, industrial plants and pasture-meadow forage crops.

To collect, protect, use and make available the herbal genetic sources.

To develop fertile and qualified types convenient  for the changing environmental conditions; to paticipate in and contribute to the studies aimed at improving national variety.

To follow  national and international current issues and knowledge on  the subjects mentioned above and to make contributions to this field.

To provide  the flow of knowledge and experience demanded by public and private instutions both in  written and verbal forms.

To prepare  research and development projects for the problems of region producers on alternative products and field crops production technology, and to publish the results on national and international level.

To arrange scientific meetings targeting to increase and improve agricultural production.